Your Black Friend/Colleague is not an emotional support animal nor Google for Racism.

Your Black Friend/Colleague…

…may not be an expert in Diversity, Inclusion and Bias. It is a profession, like Engineering, Teaching, and Plumbing. Having a ‘lived experience’ does not make you an expert in all of it.

…may not be ready to discuss current events. Many are the ‘Black friend’, or colleague to others and are being pulled in many directions. All of them are dealing with their own ‘stuff’ and perhaps managing the challenges of family too. Be patient.

Your Black Friend/Colleague…

…has never been responsible for your personal education on Race and associated matters. If your environment, education, faith, family and mentors failed to educate you, it is unreasonable to expect a friend to do so in a moment of trauma.

On the other hand…

There are Diversity professionals around the Globe who are working hard; they are tired and challenged, but oddly motivated.

The time to lean on us is now.

It is our job.
It is our profession.
It is our passion.

Let us help you…

– have the conversations
– improve your processes
– engage your teams
– enhance your organizations

That’s why WE are here. We can be your Colleague, Partner and Professional guide.

Help us do our job…by asking us.

What your Black Friend is NOT… we ARE.