JP Blog

Us vs Them

Conversations about generations can sometimes begin and end with birth dates and years, events of historical significance, and the obligatory comments on technology. This is where the trouble begins. When a conversation begins with “This is why we are different…” it can be the same as saying “This is why [...]


Leading From Your Soul… Out

As we continue to struggle with the recruitment and retention of Millennials, there is increasing concern about the ability to connect with Generation Z (about 20 years old and younger). To be a magnet that attracts young talent we must begin to look at recruitment through a different lens. Promoting [...]


Millennial Micro-Aggressions: Little things matter

Entitled. Over educated/Under Employed. Want a raise (yesterday). Unwilling to pay their dues. Lazy. Just a few of the words and phrases used to describe the growing group of young professional and leaders called Millennials. For some, these comments are a reflection of their observations in the workplace. True characterizations [...]


Entrepreneurial Leadership

The Entrepreneurial Leadership of Generation Z (GZ’s) is the slow boring of hard boards.  Generation Z presents a leadership challenge to companies in a way that they have never experienced.  GZ’s are the ‘hard boards’ and it is up to us to lead well and better. All too often I hear executives positioning Generation Z (GZ’s) and their older counterparts [...]

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