JP Blog

Lessons from Loss

This life I lead today is different from the one I led before I lost my friends, my daughter and a grand child, whose eyes never opened outside the womb. Over the last few years, I have been shocked into pain and anguish; thrust into it without my consent. The [...]


Effective Strategies for Leading People Older than You (

Original article published on Women’s Foodservice Forum on December 7, 2019. Five generations are working side-by-side in organizations across North America for the first time, bringing their own experiences, expectations and ideas about how work gets done. Almost three-quarters of workers 55 and older report to younger bosses, according to [...]


Unconscious Bias vs. Consciously Dancing with Life 

A conversation with Alise Cortez, Ph.D.  Unconscious bias is a short cut technique we all employ to try to deal with the constant onslaught of information we confront every day. Using it in the workplace often results in limited input to decisions to hire, promote, and develop individuals within the [...]


DnI: Winter isn’t Coming… it’s Here.

... Are you ready? ... Is your team? ... Is your organization? Given the ballistic and racially charged rhetoric that is increasingly prevalent in our country, communities, and businesses, there are many questions leaders in organizations need to be asking themselves. Here are a few: Do you think your organization [...]


3 Reasons Unconscious Bias Keeps CEO’s Up at Night

I don’t want to be called a racist and I don’t want to call anyone a racist. Being labeled as a racist is an impossible burden in 2019 and professional recovery is nearly impossible. Add to this that to address the issues of bias you have to discuss, reveal and [...]


Emotions in the Workplace

In today’s environment managing the emotions of your team is a leadership imperative. No, this does not mean you need training as a therapist or counselor; it does mean that if you ask people to bring their ‘whole selves’ to the office, you cannot reasonably expect them to leave their [...]


My Time at West Point

There are few places as iconic as The West Point campus in New York. As an Army Veteran from a family of Veterans its an odd Homecoming of sorts too. My brother in law is a football coach at Eastern Michigan University and they were scheduled to play Army at [...]


The Multi-Generational Double Standard

Purpose, People and Community. These are the recurring themes in the wants and needs (demands?) of some of our Millennial colleagues and friends.  More specifically, recent studies say they want to work for an organization that: Has a clear Purpose they can relate to. Treats its’ People with dignity and [...]

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