Dancing with your Connection Quotient (CQ)

I love to dance and for those of you who were out with me at the AACUC/CU Lead event in early August in Vegas, know that. Now, for those that know me best, you also know, I love to teach dance. I teach a dance called Kizomba.

Kizomba is a partner dance that comes out of Angola. For those that are unfamiliar, it looks a little like tango, but in the modern version, it has softer edges and maybe it’s a bit more sticky. 

Depending on your preference, there’s all kinds of different dances that you might be involved in and enjoy. You may have heard of Texas Two Step, Polka, or Swing, or Salsa, Bachata or the Waltz, all of these are great dances. And all these partner dances have one thing in common. 

There’s a lead position and there’s a follow position and you can’t have a great dance without both. You also cannot have a great dance without great connection between the partners.

There are wobbles that can get in the way of great connection. Some of those wobbles might be height difference, nervousness, or knowledge of the dance. It may just be that I’m new to it and I don’t know it well yet. All of these can create wobbles in the connection. In order to be great and only have great dances, you must have great connection or what we call a high CQ or a high connection quotient

Connection Quotient is your ability to connect across different characteristics among people. The exact same thing is true in your organizations.  Leaders, followers and teams produce at a much higher level when they are deeply connected. And when the Connection Quotient is high they are more innovative, more creative, they produce more and yes, they are more profitable. 

How connected are you to those who are different from you? How can you increase your ability to be more connected, more innovative, more creative, more productive and more profitable?  How do you become more connected? 

It’s time to know your CQ?

Take the free assessment at https://getmycq.com/

Allow 5-10 minutes to take the assessment, you’ll create your own 4 digit code that will allow you to return to your results later.