DIBs Awareness 101™

This learning module could be presented to members as a partner to the webinar or as a standalone professional development opportunity. The learning begins with critical information to build a conversational foundation. This professional development opportunity introduces the learner to the Diversity, Inclusion and Bias (DIBs) Assessment Model™. The model gives them the opportunity to self-assess their status as it relates to their diversity journey by calculating their DIBs Score™. Learners will explore the top five unconscious biases. Through definitions, examples and explanation, these biases will be made plain and clarified.

The Leadership Module™

Leaders of people/teams have a deeper responsibility to understand not only the nature of Race, Diversity, Inclusion and Bias but also how it behaves in group dynamics. Further, these leaders need to develop expertise in ‘seeing’ themselves within a racial system both in terms of policy and process. The Leadership Module™ will provide learners with a deeper understanding of critical concepts necessary to lead best in today’s environment. Additionally, the Leadership Module™ will move beyond Race and engage the other DIBs Big 8™ components of diversity as well (Gender, Age, Sexuality, (Dis)Ability, Politics, Religion, and Socioeconomics).

Both Toolkit Modules come with access to different Participant Guides which assist learners in fleshing out the educational experience.

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